Taking care of your body, mind and spirit.

Reiki treatments with Lynn Hebblethwaite in Quorn, Loughborough or from the comfort of your own home.

Reiki is energy healing, offering emotional and spiritual support.


Learn more about the benefits of Reiki.

How can Reiki help me?


You’re are feeling out of sorts, run ragged by the constant demands of our busy western lives. Try Reiki, it helps to balance your energy, brings clarity and can give you what you need in the moment.

You’re tired, not sleeping well and find it hard to switch off or relax. Try Reiki, an opportunity to lie down and take time out from the world. Clients often report sleep improves after a treatment.

You know there is more to life than the mundane challenges and are seeking greater connection to your spiritual self. Try Reiki, it can connect you to the flow of life and help you to see where you are living out of alignment with your true purpose.